A.R Rahmans Mysterious Magic

This article is an attempt to reveal the mystery in music...

though this article is more related to A.R.Rahmans music,this could also apply all the people who work magic with their music....

As everybody says...you have to listen a couple of times or more to enjoy rahmans music....this is so common i hear it every time a rahman album releases...

this is definitely true...but the point which has been haunting me was....if we could not like it in the first few times then how does rahman picks up a tune, composes a song and incubates until the birth of a complete song.... may be rahman is more knowledgeable in music and has better ears for all sounds...this jus resolves the mystery of why rahman is a great composer and may be to a certain extent how could he pick a tune when it strikes him...but this answer still has not solved the mystery of why we don't like it in the first few times and latter we love the same thing.....

this question itself ensure the plane which rahman composes the music and the plane in which we listen to music are different...
on analyzing these two different different planes there are some important conclusion
Rahmans Working plane...
1.) He is not governed by his likes and dislikes (Rather experiments more with all his thoughts)
2.) He has renounced the expectations of the fruits of his actions or else he would have stepped down a level and composed his music in the planes we live

The above points are followed by people who have self-realized himself.

So it is the process of rising from the the plane we listen to plane we reach rahmans plane that takes time...
all of us are covered by ignorance which closes ourselves from opening our minds and it is the knowledge that removes the ignorance to see a bigger picture of life...rahmans music in the sameway erases our ignorance in music.....

Have you ever felt this...moment while listening..??
After listening to rahman's music for four or five times you suddenly say "oh God i am going to like this song from now on....how did i not like this song till now"

that is when your ignorance has been removed by knowledge...it is a magical moment i cherish for all rahman songs.....That particular moment is analogous to a spiritual experience(not religious)

Hats of to rahman for raising us to such a level.
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Trend - A genreal direction in which something is developing or changing
"Life is like a box of chocolates u never know what u gonna get" - Eric Roth from forrest Gump....

It has always been a fascination to know what would happen next in life.Is'nt it the reason why people go crazy over astrology,numerology and tarot..? This article is just an attempt to reveal the mystery surrounding it
Everything which has a trend Planets,numbers or seasons is being used to predict our lives... so when i was looking to find wat else could we use to predict our lives..... i found i have Datas and milestones of 25 years of my life which has a trend and repeated patterns....this could tell me only when can i expect a change but not what could it be...?

Lemme explain it more clearly MY life [1996-2000 (9th & 10 th new school) -> change results->(11th and 12 th same school New environment and People )] results -> change [2000-2004 (College - new environment people)] ->change [2004-2007,(Satyam computers - new environment & people)] -> Looks like life seems to change for almost every four years within the subset of these four years life's path changes for every 2 years ,which means there is an upside or down side with reference to how it started... Now this might be common to all people who had schooling/graduation.and there is now way to predict with the help of this structure, i needed something relative to compare or analyse these data, as i was contemplating on these thoughts i found that on each and every mile stone, i realised one of my close friends lifes changed with me...it has so happened we had 1 hour of difference in filling 11 th std comp sci group ,we got our college admissions in a days difference and months difference in getting into corprates life, and now when i shifted my life into movie making carreer, his life drifted towards buissness school.....is it a co-incidence or its designed this way... i believe there is nothing as co-incidence,everything is designed to be this way...

In general,4 and 2 are important number that all of us should look for a trend,be it marriage,fatherhood,college or any thing...more important is look for the person around you whos life is linked with your's.....

Find that person and discus about you life you will soon find many more mystery revolving your life... and you would be more fortunate if things happen first first for the person wih whom your life is linked....
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